The Cool Succah Decoration I Made

I am feeling really proud of myself and this awesome succah decoration I, two-left-hands Chana Jenny, made at the community center event for moms this week (good thing I was sitting next to Ganenet Shulamit, who is on sabbatical this year from teaching 4-year-olds, and was able to guide me through the project at just the right speed for a craft-dyslexic like me).
At the event, a woman taught us a paper-shaping technique called quilling (if you don’t know what that is, like I didn’t, I’ve included a basic how-to video below).
Why am I posting my crafts project on such an auspicious day as the 25th of Elul, the anniversary of the Creation of the World? Cause today is the due date for all Rabbi Nivin students to finish up our first draft for our “Elul Plans”–which means a detailed list of our goals for 5777, in all sorts of areas of life.
And this year, my yearly direction, the main focus of my year, is very different than it’s been in recent years.
Starting five years ago, every year my yearly direction was related somehow to coping with the aftermath of the Nachlaot Pedophile Crisis. Even this past year’s yearly direction, getting used to our new neighborhood, was kind of related to the Nachlaot crisis, since we ended up leaving Nachlaot after 20 years because of it.
So I am really excited that this is the first year in many years that my yearly direction has nothing to do with pedophiles or any crisis of any kind. It’s not a direction that’s been forced upon me, but rather one that I am choosing with joy.
This year my freely-chosen yearly direction is to invest a bit more in my children, in my marriage, and in myself–through self-care and doing stuff I love to do.
Like doing cool arts and crafts like this…
BEAUTIFUL! I have seen this type of thing, but had no idea how it was done. I am happy for you, Chana Jenny, that much now is in the past, with a brighter future ahead.
really artistic! and you have a great feeling by learning a new skill, and enjoying yourself at the same time! I’m sure it will add its joyful presence in your succah! shana tovah u’metuka!
the decorations are beautiful!!!i would love to learn how to do this. what is quilling called in hebrew and where would i get supplies? is there a class that you know of that i could learn this beautiful art? Shana tova v’reguah to you and your family!
it’s called “kveeling” in Hebrew. I heard Hakol l’Gan (a gan supply store) sells the supplies, but call beforehand to make sure in stock.
This is super cool!
Nice work Chana Jenny! Thank you so much for posting!
I had a quilling kit as a girl! So pretty!
That is beautiful
Happy to hear that you have positive goals and can focus your attention on your family etc. Your project is lovely. How will you keep it dry? Here in Miami we always have rain😟
it’s actually has a thin plastic cover already! that was the last step of the project