Surviving Miserable Afternoons in Venezuela

Thank you so much to all of the JewishMOMs who wrote suggestions on how I can improve my challenging 4-7 time slot. Your ideas were so helpful to me!
My favorite suggestion of all came from, of all places, Venezuela. JewishMOM Coty Benarroch wrote:
I live in Venezuela. Probably you have heard about the state of emergency here. The worst part of the crisis for most Venezuelans is how difficult it is to find basic products such as sugar, flour, rice, medications…there is a loooong wait to get everything.
But at the same time we see Hashem hands…We see that we are here to work on our patience and emuna. Baruch Hashem the chesed in the Jewish community is awesome…We are here for each other whenever we need something. Our tables are full of blessings every Shabbos. And we continue living as free jews, baruch Hashem, and at the same time we keep hoping to be soon in Israel. And we are waiting (again, with a lot of emuna and patience) that things will get better (in every place!) and Moshiach will come in our days, very, very soon.
In addition to the difficulties caused by the crisis in our country, I am also a mother, and my afternoons are also very challenging! I have to drive back and forth to my kids’ school 2 or 3 times every day to meet all the kid’s different schedules, and bedtime is late here.
Hashem yaazor!
When things get really difficult with my kids, this is what I do…
I pour myself a glass of water and while I recite the shehakol blessing I concentrate on its words: “Everything came into being with Hashem’s words” and I remind myself that everything that happens is exactly as Hashem wants it to be, and I accept it.
And then I drink the water very slowly!! Until I calm down:)
Love this! Thank you
Beautiful article and beautiful family! Hope the situation improves in Venezuela.
Thanks for posting! Very beautiful!
I hope to see your beautiful family in Israel soon! Love your optimism! Kol ha kavod!
Wonderful advice for every challenge! Remembering Hashem with this “basic” bracha, said with kavanah in a stressful time, while drinking water to physiologically strengthen ourselves and slow us down so we have time to reflect — awesome! I will pass this one on, thanks for sharing.
Amazing and thanks for sharing. My son spent two years in Venezuela and I was so relieved that he came home safely. I t is probably the most uncertain place to live with the political unrest and the climate of criminal activity with kid napping as a means of livelihood!!! Hashem should protect you and all people there! Getting through the day takes on a whole new dimension.
Amén!! Thank u all and above all to channa Jenny for posting!!😘
Beautiful and inspiring: simply brimming with positivity and light, kol hakavod and see you soon in Israel!!
I had already read your tip on the comments on the article by chanajenny and i applied it at once!it works wonders!!great!!