Every Mom is a General

Every Mom is a General

I loved this excerpt from an article by Lindsey Roberts that appeared in the Washington Post this week. Thanks so much to JewishMOM Tovah Leah Karl for sending it my way:

“In traditional ground-fought wars, the command post behind the lines would often have hot coffee, good food and dry clothes. Was this because the generals were selfish? Or because they deserved it for having made the highest ranks in the military?

“No, it was because if the command fell or experienced low morale, the rest of the troops, and indeed the entire war effort, would be in jeopardy. Those leaders making critical decisions needed to be at their best.

“Now think of that in terms of parenting. Parents are the generals of their household. How do you, in particular those who stay at home with children, feel day after day, hour after hour, with no real break in sight? Is your coffee hot and clothing dry? Probably not.

“If that continues, how do you think your troops at home will fare? Not well, if you’re not well.

“Self-care is not selfish; it’s one of the best things you can do for your kids.”


  1. Wow. Needed this.

  2. Very interesting!

  3. Interesting way of reframing it. Thanks Tova Leah and Chana Jenny 😉

  4. Wow! Really Loved it! It is so commun we moms leave every thing (breakfast, naps, excercise, friend talks) to fulfill our busy busy needs with the house, husband, kids, work, etc; that We forgot that simple thing: if We are not OK, all the World falls apart.
    Can i share?

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