I’m a Jew and I’m Proud by Benny Friedman–Watch the New Music Video

I’m a Jew and I’m Proud by Benny Friedman–Watch the New Music Video

I just heard this on the radio, what a great, uplifting, toe-tapping song. It makes me feel proud to be a Jew! I just saw Benny Friedman performing on Yud Tes Kislev at the Great Synagogue followed by a lecture by his esteemed father, Rabbi Manis Friedman, what an awesome event.

בני פרידמן – עברי אנכי
רבות עבר העם הזה בדרך
ואני הולך עם ראש למעלה
כל אחד הוא בן או בת של מלך
כך היה וככה זה גם הלאה
יהודי עם נשמה בוערת
בכל מקום, ובכל ארץ
לא רוצה שיהיה אחרת
יהודי אני, זה משהוא נצחי

(translation of first verse:
This people has gone through so much along the way
And I walk with my head held high
Each one is the son or daughter of the King
That’s how it was and how it will be in the future
A Jew has a burning soul
In every place, in every land
I don’t want it to be any different
I’m a Jew, and that is something eternal

בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב
בני שרה רבקה רחל ולאה
Bnei Avraham Yitzchak VeYaakov
Bnei Sarah Rivkah Rochel VeLeah

עברי אנכי ואת ה’ אלקי השמים אני ירא
עברי אנכי ואת ה’ אלקי השמים אני ירא
Ivri Anochi V’es Hashem Elokei Hashamayim Ani Yarei
Ivri Anochi V’et Hashem Elokei Hashamayim Ani Yarei

A little bit of history I’ve been through
Ask me where I’m from, and I will tell you
I’m a Jew and every Jew’s a proud Jew
Not just me, my sisters and my brothers
Never be ashamed to be a proud Jew
It’s not what you’ve done, it’s how He made you
So sing this song and spread the pride around you
Yehudi Ani, eternally!

בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב
בני שרה רבקה רחל ולאה
Bnei Avraham Yitzchak VeYaakov
Bnei Sarah Rivkah Rachel VeLeah

עברי אנכי ואת ה’ אלקי השמים אני ירא
עברי אנכי ואת ה’ אלקי השמים אני ירא
Ivri Anochi V’es Hashem Elokei Hashamayim Ani Yarei
Ivri Anochi V’et Hashem Elokei Hashamayim Ani Yarei

I’m a Jew and I’m proud
And I’ll sing it out loud
‘Cuz forever and ever that’s what I’ll be
I’m a Jew and I’m proud
And without a doubt
Hashem is always watching over me

(YONAH 1:9)


    • too bad I posted this a few days too early, just posted with this new awesome video which came out yesterday.thanks for telling me about it!

  1. Just went back to hear the song again coz I liked the song so much. I was so happy to see the video now!! Its so special! I was so moved! I cant wait for Moshiach to come!! Thanx Chana Jenny for all the inspiring things you post xx

  2. Thanks I love it!

  3. Really awesome song! It’ll make every jew proud to be a Jew……super catchy, great beats!

  4. Yael Maizels

    Great video and I’m especially impressed that they included men and women in a halachically appropriate way. All too often in our world we either see a total disregard for halacha or a total absence of women.

    • I also liked that there were women in the video.

      and, by the way, loved your letter to mishpacha a few weeks ago about the head coverings in medinat yisrael. Was really right on.

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