The Mother of the JCC Bomb-Threat Caller (11-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

The Mother of the JCC Bomb-Threat Caller (11-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Why I think the mother of the JCC bomb-threat caller gets an A+.


  1. Take a small clean bowl. Fill with clean water. Sprinkle black pepper over the surface of the water. It floats. Put a drop of dishwashing liquid on the tip of your index finger. Place it gently on the peppered water – just in the center. Immediately, most of the black pepper will very quickly scoot to the sides of the bowl, vacating the center. So, in your own life, put one drop of positive into your heart – one positive thought – and you will see the negative thoughts scatter away.

  2. Thank you! Loved this, inspiring to hear.

  3. I wonder if she’ll listen to this. I really hope so.
    I love the idea of the I spy game. Thanks for sharing it.

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