Savta Bina’s Passover Blessing

Savta Bina’s Passover Blessing

Our dear friend Bina was a child of the Holocaust who lost her parents when she was only 4, and spent the Shoah being moved by strangers from one hiding place to another, always only one step away from the clutches of the Nazi beast.

Maybe because of how she grew up, Bina has a special, heightened appreciation for happy occasions- births, bar and bat mitzvahs, weddings, as well as the Jewish holidays the War deprived her of for much of her childhood.

This afternoon, I received a call from Bina. She wanted to give me a blessing for the holiday, and this is what she told me:

Do you know why, before Passover, we bless each other by saying “Pesach Kasher v’Sameach”? (a kosher and happy Passover)?

These words stand for:


כ=(Yom) Kippur
ר=Rosh Hashana

In other words, with this blessing, all of us are blessing each other with not only a kosher and joyful Passover, but rather that ALL of our holidays all year round will be kosher and joyful!

This is the blessing with which Bina blessed my family, and which I am passing on to you!

Pesach Kasher v’Sameach!


  1. Beautiful!
    Thank you, wishing you and your family a chag kasher v’sameach as well!

  2. It’s also so interesting because I think whatever days pesach lands on is the day of the week the other y”t land on aswell and it’s the first holiday of the year according to the year starting in Nissan

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