“Modeh Ani” Sung by Elana Jagoda

“Modeh Ani” Sung by Elana Jagoda

Since a friend gave me Elana Jagoda’s CD a few weeks ago, my kids and I have been listening to it over and over! This is my favorite song, my favorite line is when she sings to Hashem “Thank you for the soul in me,” which reminds me how thankful I should be that Hashem placed a bit of His Divinity inside me…


  1. This made my day!

  2. rachel erman

    Thank you ! I just started to read your blog a few days before Pesach, and I already feel so very well taken care of… “This is my favorite song, and this my favorite line.” A very nice feeling, so thanks again.

  3. Gorgeous voice- beautiful song! Thanks for sharing this.

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