What the Female Surgeon Told Me (6-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

What the Female Surgeon Told Me (6-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

I was impressed by the female surgeon I met this morning, but she was impressed by me. Here’s why…

If you cannot see video, watch at this link.


  1. Thank you C.J. for being such a wonderful role model for Jewish moms.
    We can especially use encouragement in the area of self care. Staying well is important as we look after our families.
    Kesiva v’chasima Tova!!

    • I hope other JewishMOMs will follow my example–my friend died of cancer when she was 39 and left behind 5 orphans. We need to do our hishtadlut.

  2. filter block 🙁

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