The Ben Ish Chai: 5778 Will Be an Amazing Year

The Ben Ish Chai: 5778 Will Be an Amazing Year

Unprecedented flooding in Houston.

A catastrophic tropical storm in Florida.

Threats back and forth with a nuclear North Korea.

With the news looking like it does this month, I assume I’m not the only person concerned about what this new Jewish year–5778–has in store for the world.

So I was relieved to hear promising news about the kind of year we have waiting for us from the Ben Ish Chai (via Rabbanit Yemima).

The Ben Ish Chai explained that any year that starts by taking out the Torah scroll five days in a row will be a year of incomparable blessing.

And that only happens when, like this year:

Thursday is the first day of Rosh Hashana, so the Torah is read in synagogue.

Friday is the second day of Rosh Hashana, so the Torah is read again in synagogue.

Shabbat is…Shabbat, so we read the weekly Torah portion, Haazinu.

Sunday is Tsom Gedalia, so we read the Torah reading for the fast day.

And Monday we take out the Torah just as we do every Monday and Thursday.

Rabbanit Yemima assured in this week’s class: “Those 5 Torah scrolls will accompany you this year with protection and love.”

Shana tova!


  1. What a relief! Thank you!

  2. noga hullman


  3. I think I sent this to at least a dozen people and I have been telling it to everyone I see! May this year be filled with revealed goodness.

    • yay! ilana, may you and your family be blessed with abundant blessings of many wonderful kinds this year!

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