Chocolate Pearls (10-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Chocolate Pearls (10-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

More thoughts on Mishpacha’s Magazine’s woman of valour of the year, chocolate-maker Sara Balulu.


  1. Thank you, this was great

  2. This post touched directly my heart and my soul since i always feel not enough the “higher soul type” because i focus entirely on my home kids and having a bit of time with my husband. My mother raised me that way but felt always of less valour than other women who devoted their time to higher soul activities. Thanks to you i understand better how lower soul is important because it gives simha and purpose
    You took away my guilt since i strive not to burn out in spite of a big bunch of kids bh and try to sleep enough and eat well but somehow feel guilty of focusing on my well being! I understand now that it s a means fo md of being a better mother

    • dear ann, that is wonderful! just to clarify,though, in rabbi nivin’s approach, caring for your kids and husband are connected with your higher soul–your ideals, your role as a Jewish wife and mother. Lower soul are things that bring immediate pleasure– such as getting a massage, reading a book you enjoy, eating chocolate:)

  3. Thank you so much Channa Jenny! I really needed to hear this in national Jewish burnout month 🙂

  4. What an incredible insight! Thank you Chana jenny for your chocolate pearls of wisdom ;). I’m going to try noticing if I do 3 acts of self care a day…

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