When Tsofia was Sad

When Tsofia was Sad

My sons’ gan is 7 minutes from our house, and my daughter’s school is also 7 minutes from our house–but in the opposite direction. So every morning I walk my boys to gan, and I pay an older girl to take Tsofia. And this arrangement usually works out extremely well, except when it doesn’t… Like this morning, when the older girl didn’t show up.

How did I find out the older girl didn’t show up?

When I was leaving Yaakov and Yoni’s gan, another mother approached me with slightly knitted eyebrows: “Look, Chana, I just saw your daughter standing by the street, and she looked very sad. So I asked her if she needs help…”

And right then my phone rang, it was the mother of Tsofia’s best friend. From the tightness of her “Shalom Chana” I could hear she was concerned: “Listen, I just saw Tsofia standing by the street, looking like she was about to cry. And I asked her if I could help her out, but she shook her head…”

By then, I could already see Tsufy down the street, no longer looking sad at all as she came running towards me with her big 7-year-old crooked-tooth smile.

And as we walked hand-in-hand the 7-minute walk to her school, I felt immensely thankful that of all the villages in the world where one could raise a child, I have the privilege of raising mine in a village of JewishMOMs.


  1. very special to have such caring friends.

  2. This warms my heart to lnow there are such caring Jewish moms out there.

    • I should also add that I barely know the first mother who told me, I’m surprised she knows I even have a daughter

  3. Hadassah Aber

    I am surprised that the girl didn’t notify you.. Does she usually wait alone for the girl to arrive?

    • usually the older girl comes right when I’m leaving with my boys. She’s usually extremely reliable, I think maybe she had an open house to check out a high school (she’s in 8th grade) and forgot to tell me…

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