Toda Chana Jenny, I feel like this peptalk was for me today. I won’t go into a long list of why. It would take too long. Suffice it to say that there is a broken printer sitting in our basement right now😄 Love the part about the teacher smacking the desk and not the student. I’m so grateful G-d is so patient with us and I just want to please Him. I really need to Him listen more. Lisa
happy I made this peptalk for YOU! by the way, i fixed my printer (turned out part of the old toner cartridge was still stuck inside). Refuah shlema to your printer too:)
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Toda Chana Jenny,
I feel like this peptalk was for me today. I won’t go into a long list of why. It would take too long. Suffice it to say that there is a broken printer sitting in our basement right now😄
Love the part about the teacher smacking the desk and not the student. I’m so grateful G-d is so patient with us and I just want to please Him. I really need to Him listen more.
happy I made this peptalk for YOU! by the way, i fixed my printer (turned out part of the old toner cartridge was still stuck inside). Refuah shlema to your printer too:)
Loved this! So many important points… if 80% of my balls are in the air I guess I’m doing ok!
Hannah (teary toy store lady)
yay! thank you!