Inspiration from One Jewish Mother to Another
Posted by JewishMom on Mar 18, 2018 in Inspiration, Inspirational Videos, Jewish Moms, Motherhood, My life | 6 comments
How to release yourself from your personal Egypt as you prepare your home for Passover.
thank you for an inspiring video! it was really impressive (=
Thank you for this. I relate so much with your personal Egypt and idolatry, which encourages me so much as a new wife and mother. Thank you for being an inspiration. I’m going to try this exercise. Blessings to you. Chag Pesach Sameach!
Thank you so much, really helped me find meaning this week in my avodat Hashem. Thank you and chag sameach!
so happy to hear:)
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thank you for an inspiring video! it was really impressive (=
Thank you for this. I relate so much with your personal Egypt and idolatry, which encourages me so much as a new wife and mother. Thank you for being an inspiration. I’m going to try this exercise. Blessings to you. Chag Pesach Sameach!
Thank you so much, really helped me find meaning this week in my avodat Hashem. Thank you and chag sameach!
so happy to hear:)