Adopt a Fallen Israeli Soldier this Yom HaZikaron

Adopt a Fallen Israeli Soldier this Yom HaZikaron

This Tuesday night at 8 PM, like every year on Israel’s Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism, a cloud of mourning will descend over Israel.

Israeli Memorial Day is a hard day for me–overshadowed by sadness. But for my neighbor, it is Memorial Day every day of the year. Her teenage son was killed during a dangerous operation while serving in the IDF. And even though over a decade has passed since she lost him, anyone who sees this mother can see in her face that she carries her grief from that terrible loss every day of her life.

Let’s join together, through LeKedoshim, to honor Israel’s fallen soldiers and the mourning families they left behind, who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live securely in our homeland. This new initiative enables Jews around the world to learn Torah on Israel’s Memorial Day in the memory of a specific fallen soldier.

I just signed up to study 4 chapters from the Bible in honor of 4 fallen soldiers…

Shimon Unger, born in Volotskovelsh, Russia, died while fighting for Israel in 1967.
Avraham Friedman, born in Tel Aviv, died while fighting for Israel in 1974.
Meir Zeitel, born in Haifa, died while fighting for Israel in 1963.
Shalom Weisman, born in Pashkani Romania, died while fighting for Israel in 1963.

May their memories and the memories of all the fallen soldiers and terror victims be blessed.


  1. this is beautiful, chana Jenny–THANK YOU!!

    i just signed up to study for a soldier. but i will also have in mind my uncle, Yitzchok ben Eliezer, who died in the War of Independence of 1948…may his neshama, and those of everyone who gave their lives for Am Yisrael, have a lichtige gan eden…

  2. Vicki Belovski

    Thank you for sharing this, Chana Jenny – it’s such a lovely idea. I’ve signed up, and encouraged my children to do so too.

  3. I also want to thank you for posting this link chana jenny. this is such a beautiful gift we can give to all the families that have lost their loved ones. I am crying just reading about the special young man I will be learning for his memory.

    • JewishMom

      it’s so special to be able to do something positive on this day to honor their memories…

  4. Hadassah Aber

    I am sorry that I didn’t see this article in time to act on it. I really find this more meaningful than quietly standing at attention. Though the very powerful feeling generated by this simultaneous act across the country cannot be dismissed. I thought Israel Independence Day was fifth of Iyar. Why is it being celebrated on the fourth?

    • JewishMom

      they moved it up a day so that people wouldn’t break shabbat if independence day was on the friday

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