Here’s the Postcard I Promised You From…

Here’s the Postcard I Promised You From…

Here is the postcard-post I promised you from our mystery destination…And now that we are here, it is the time to reveal our location. Drumroll, please…

Copenhagen, Denmark! (The hint I posted was a quotation from Hamlet, who lived in Denmark).

What prompted our visit to this unusual destination?

Well, last winter when we were planning our summer trip, it occurred to Josh and me that instead of visiting my parents at their home in Baltimore this year, we could meet them somewhere in Europe.

And around that same time, I noticed this dedication at Jerusalem’s Denmark Square.

I was intrigued to come to Denmark to learn more about the only German-occupied European country that stood up for and ultimately savedĀ  all but 120 of the country’s approximately 7500 Jews.

And that’s why we’re here….Having a great time. Enjoying family and this beautiful country, and the beautiful people who live in it, who performed a great kindness for my people and yours.

I hope you are enjoying your summer:) I hope to resume regular daily posting next Sunday.















  1. What a beautiful reason to visit!!!
    A nice way to express hakaras hatov as well.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. thank you for sharing with us, and have a continued good trip.

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