4 Powerful Elul Tips (2-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

4 Powerful Elul Tips (2-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

You can watch this peptalk or read it below.

4 ideas from Rabbi Nivin on how to have a life-changing as well as happy Elul.

Here’s 4 really important things my teacher, Rabbi Nivin, has taught me about Elul that i wanted to share with you

Number 1: For various reasons, summer is a really tough time for most people. That means our main focus at the beginning of Elul, meaning now, is healing. Taking care of ourselves. Getting back in touch with ourselves.

Number 2: When Elul starts, some people start to panic. Rosh Hashana is coming, we need to be holy and do teshuva NOW! But remember this… If a cruise ship has to make an 180 degree turn, it can’t just flip around quickly like a boomerang. It needs to turn sloooowly. And that is how we need to transition into Elul. Gently and lovingly taking small steps, getting ourselves spiritually prepared for the new year.

Number 3: Here’s a very powerful exercise to do this Elul. It’s called a presume. Sit down, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in Rosh Hashana 2019, a year from this Rosh Hashana. Imagine that you reflect back on your year and think, “Wow, that was the best year of my life!” Now write down what you could imagine took place this coming year to make it the best year of your life.

Number 4: Here’s another really powerful Elul exercise. Ask yourself the following questions. What are my 5-year goals? What are my lifetime goals? And, if, G-d forbid, I knew I would be struck by lightning in six months, what would I want to accomplish in these last 6 months? Notice if there any differences between the 3 answers, and give some though to what that might mean.

OK, you’re ready JewishMOM! Have a great month of Elul!

One comment

  1. Cool, thanks!! And thanks for doing the reading section. As i only read your site during nursing breaks, I can’t listen to anything, it was wonderful to have the reading option.

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