Rebbetzin Finkel’s Remarkable Rosh Hashana Sacrifice (2-Minute Inspirational Video)

Rebbetzin Finkel’s Remarkable Rosh Hashana Sacrifice (2-Minute Inspirational Video)

One fateful Rosh Hashana, a young mother named Sara Finkel chose to make a sacrifice that would alter the life of her son and leave a lasting impact on the Jewish world.


  1. I’m having a really hard time hearing her, is it possible to add subtitles or write out the story?

    • there are captions– click on the wheel thingy at the bottom of the video and turn on captions

  2. beautiful!i remember you published an article about this a few years ago
    chana tova chana jenny and may you keep giving hizouk to all jexish moms!

  3. Hadassah Aber

    Impressive! especially considering that there was very little communication – airmail letters took ten days or more…

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