Every Day, Every JewishMOM Must…

Every Day, Every JewishMOM Must…


  1. Can people share ways they do this as JewishMOMs? My answer is always chocolate or coffee but I’m trying to expand my options!!! 🙂

    • Dani margolies

      Hi! I also love listening to music and singing along, and going for walks either with a friend or while listening to a shiur or music, I love cuddling up reading mishpacha magazine…

  2. Enter that ever-ready Happiness Box to focus on our many blessings.

  3. Pretend!! The outside awakens the inside.

  4. chana jenny

    i have a list of things that make me happy, and I make time for it every week (thursday is happy day!)
    reading with a hot cup of chicco
    listening to my grandmother’s family history
    walking in nature
    going on trips to interesting places in israel I’ve never been
    going to the beach
    and a bunch more

    • Great ideas! I’d love to hear more .
      Can you elaborate on the different things you do by day of the week ? I remember hearing about a “ Tuesday idea” in another post . Thanks a lot

      • I have different important but not urgent things scheduled for every day of the week, but it’s not fun stuff…
        But every day, after I daven, I make sure to think of one self-care thing I’m going to do that day. This morning I thought how I’m going to sit down and read Ami magazine tonight. Others self-care things I do regularly: go to my dance journey class, my therapeutic writing class, reflexology, watch a video. Yesterday I went walking in nature, and then listened to some of my grandmother’s family history (thursday is my fun day:)

        • Great idea, Chana Jenny! When I have 5 minutes to read emails I gravitate to your newsletter. Always chizuk for a busy mother & more!! Chazak Ve’ematz!! gut Shabbos!!

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