Why Bring Children into the World? 7 Suggestions

Today, I came across an internet forum of JewishMOMs discussing the age-old question: Why Bring Kids into the World?
What would YOU answer? Why did YOU want to become a JewishMOM? Leave your answers in the comments section below…
Here’s a taste of the answers provided by participants in the forum:
“If we don’t perform G-d’s will, our existence here is devoid of meaning.”
“We are obligated to have marital relations, and children are a ‘side effect.'”
“The Talmud teaches: ‘The Son of David [Moshiach] won’t come until all the souls in the Treasury of Souls [Guf] are finished.” This means that in Heaven there is a certain number of souls that need to come down to this world to fulfill a role, as well as souls that were already here that need to come back to fix something. And Moshiach won’t come and there won’t be the Redemption until all those souls will come/return to the world. And we have the amazing privilege to help those souls (as well as Moshiach and the Redemption) come to the world.”
“It’s a natural instinct to have children. That’s how G-d created us, with this desire, and that is extremely wonderful. Otherwise there would be no children.”
“There are many reasons I want to have children. I want to feel that special love a mother feels only for her children, and also to continue our Jewish family chain, and also the special blessing that children bring to the world, and also to give to somebody who is actually part of me. I also feel that having a child provides a special connection between a married couple.”
“I don’t think there’s a truly logical answer, and in my eyes there doesn’t need to be one.”
“The Holy One implanted in my heart the ability and the yearning to give, to actually give of myself–from my own flesh, and I feel that that is my mission as a woman, to do Hashem’s will and to bring down to this world the souls He places in my care in order to nurture them in a way that only my heart, as their mother, can nurture them.”
What do YOU think, JewishMOM? Why did/do YOU want to bring children into the world?
As someone who struggled to get pregnant, my children are definitely not just a by-product of marital relations! (I wish it was that simple). Becoming a mother for me has meant a lot of hard work, tears, a lot of waiting and fear, many prayers and money spent on doctors. So I suppose I am in the best possible place to answer to this question. Why would I go through all that to have a baby?
I still don’t know the answer fully but I do know that being a mother vs not is a qualitative difference. I don’t think I could ever reach my full potential without children. I don’t think I could be “me” without having children. It is something my whole being has always needed to actualise itself and goes way beyond just a halachik obligation. Because of this, I knew I would do anything to get there and BH I got there. But I also know that even if I never did, I would never have regretted trying.
wow, thank you
Thank you for this amazing answer. You have helped me to articulate my own thoughts which are so much more than halachik and so much to do with my own essence
There is a school of thought out there that every child born depletes the world of it resources and only takes away from the quality of the world. I feel the exact opposite! Every Jewish child born and raised to keep the Torah enhances the world in every way! Each child born brings more light, more goodness, and more godliness into the world
beautiful, thank you for sharing this
This attitude is markedly different in the framework of Yiddishkeit and the rest of the world. When I was a teenager the was a major emphasis on overpopulation and the world running out of natural resources. Contrast that with the thought that we should renew the Jewish population which was depleted during WWII. As well as the idea that we never can predict what inventions or innovations our children will bring into the world that can solve the problems of humanity. Our current financial situation has no long term impact on future growth of children and the Jewish people. The Lubavitcher Rebbe would constantly talk about the mistake of limiting our family since each child brings with his/her birth a blessing for the family and the world.
I had a child with Down Syndrome at age 23 and it was a challenge of emunah to have more children after that. BH I had two more a few years later and three more in a second marriage when I turned 39. Why? Probably because there can hardly be any greater contribution to world and specifically the Jewish people than to raise worthwhile members of society!
thank you hadassah…
My children require me to plumb the depths of my soul, encounter my hidden innermost corners of pain and potential, become more authentic, and in short actualize my soul’s potential in a way that no other endeavour can! I’m happy I’m helping populate the world by raising these kids but my focus is more often on the humbling, gratifying, transformative journey of being their mommy.
wow, thank you
When I worked as an environmental economics I was often asked (sometimes rather bluntly) how I could be having children when there are so many resource challenges linked to overpopulation. My answer to them was that my hope is that my children will make a positive contribution to this world, that they will give so much more than they will take.
And to have children is to love, where one’s heart actually grows bigger. And to have this most powerful loving connection to another human.
that’s an amazing response you gave them…
I Just paid a Shiva call to a friend who lost her child. She loved that child fiercely and did everything under and above the heavens to keep that child alive. But it wasn’t meant to be. Her attitude however at the Shiva house was one of sublime acceptance of HaShems will. She was gifted with this child to serve HaShem and now that the child was taken from her, she is only looking to find out what HaShem wants from her. She opened up my eyes to a pathway of raising children as a means to deeply and truly do the will of our creator. So, what I learned from my friend and what I will strive for in my childrearing years, is to use these children I was gifted with as a means to connect with HaShem and spread the light of Torah in the world.
powerful, thank you for sharing
Beautifully put, Rachel. Thank you.
What a wonderful question!!!
Having children has definitely been the best and greatest experience of my life. Since I was a little girl, who had been severely neglected and abused, it kept me going to think of my future family someday… I think that is how I fell asleep every night… Longing and dreaming of a better childhood that I could someday give to my own children…
How I would give to them and love them. I knew I would accept and give my whole heart to them…
Indeed, it has been the most healing, heart expanding, amazing, wonderful time of my life!!! That little girl was right!!!
And with all the challenges, as well, I have grown in ways I could never imagine…
wow, incredible
To bring more ovdei Hashem into this world. To be mekadesh Shem Shamayim.