A Text Message from Liora Silberstein to You

A Text Message from Liora Silberstein to You

Last Friday, my neighbor who is a nurse at the same hospital where Shira Ish Ran is hospitalized, presented her with your letters.

Thanks to you JewishMOM readers, Shira received over 400 letters, from all over Israel, the US, South Africa, Australia, Europe, South America. There were even letters from unusual places– Nigeria, Honduras, Ireland, Hungary. Even Idaho:)

And yesterday, I received several nice birthday presents, but by far the most exciting one was the following expected text message (which plinged while I was filming yesterday’s birthday blessing video).

It was a text message from Shira Ish Ran’s mother, to you:

“Hi. It’s Liora Silberstein. My daughter was overwhelmed by the document of chizuk [encouragement] from all over the world. Thank you so much for your efforts. She and I really appreciate the support.”

Please Hashem, send a complete and speedy recovery to:

Shira Ish Ran–Shira Yael bat Liora Sara
As well as the others injured in last week’s terror attacks:
Shira bat Michal Masudi (my daughter’s dear high school classmate, Shira Sabag)
As well as IDF soldiers:
Neve Michael ben Osnat Esther (Neve Rotem)
Natanel Ilan ben Shayna Tsipora, (Nathaniel Felber) who made aliya several years ago from Maryland.

One comment

  1. Penina Greenspan

    Any updates as to who still needs tehillim said for them?

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