My Eema Cheer (1-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

My Eema Cheer (1-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

How I turned my child’s kvetch into a cheer- for me.

This past Friday afternoon, I was standing on the top of a step ladder in my kitchen, getting down a pot for chicken soup.

And at that very moment, my 6-year-old Yaakov needed something urgently. Insider’s info: whenever Yaakov wants anything, he needs it urgently!

And as I was standing on that ladder, Yaakov was chanting, “Eema! Eema! Eema!’

And I found myself, from the top of my ladder, chanting along with him: “Eema! Eema! Eema!”

And then, without noticing what I was doing, my whiney “Eema! Eema! Eema!” morphed into “Eema! Eema! Eema!”

From a kvetch for Eema into a cheer for Eema.

So that is what I want to bless you with this week: that within every Eema, you will hear Eema, Eema, Eema!

Have a great week!


  1. thank you, Jenny, for bringing a smile to my face this morning in dreary Brooklyn!
    this message is very important — even to us Moms who have children old enough to NOT whine. we can hear those whines even when they are not being voiced.
    may you be blessed to always see the blessing!

    • amen!
      and thank you to my husband, joshua, who was present when this happened, and told me that this should be this week’s peptalk:)

  2. I love this! I think I’ll adopt turning the whine into a cheer! It will definitely make us smile

  3. Love this!

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