Rebbetzin Heller: How JewishMOMs Can Bring Moshiach (20-Second Video)

Tonight, thousands of Jewish women in over 75 cities around the world participated in Geula Gatherings of song and prayer expressing our common yearning for Geula.
I attended the Geula Gathering in Har Nof, and it was a truly uplifting and unforgettable experience.
Har Nof’s Rebbetzin Heller was the main speaker, and afterward, I asked her a special question especially for us JewishMOMs.
I took part! Girls sang in choirs from schools all over London. They do it every year, as an achdut evening, and it was exciting to do it this year as part of something global!
I can’t see the video because of my filter – I’d love to know what she said! I love Rebbetzin Heller!