92-Year-Old Foster Mom to 52 Steals the Show this Yom Haatsmaut

92-Year-Old Foster Mom to 52 Steals the Show this Yom Haatsmaut

Every year, 12 Israelis are chosen to light the torches that mark the transition from Memorial Day’s mourning to Independence Day’s celebrations. In this video, watch Marie Nachmias, a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor and mother of 8 (plus foster mother to 52 children, many of whom were severely disabled) bring the house down! Even Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara jump up to join the standing ovation. Go, Marie, go!


  1. Wow! She should have tremendous nachas!

  2. Mrs.Nachmias should be blessed with arichas yamim with good health, smachot and only simchas from all her family.

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