Injured Brother of Rina HY”D Plays “Afilu b’Hastara” (1-Minute Video)

Injured Brother of Rina HY”D Plays “Afilu b’Hastara” (1-Minute Video)

Yesterday, 4 days after his sister was murdered and he and his father were injured by a terrorist’s bomb, Dvir Shnerb played the song “Afilu b’Hastara” on his guitar, as visitors to his hospital room sang along.
I cannot stop thinking about this mind-blowing video. 19-year-old Dvir Shnerb, after losing his beloved 17-year-old sister, and almost losing his father as well as his own life, and these are the words he chooses to sing:
“Even when [God’s face is] hidden within hiddenness
“Most certainly even there God is present.
“Also behind the difficult things which happen to you
“I [God] stand.”
ואפילו בהסתרה שבתוך
ההסתרה בוודאי גם שם נמצא השם יתברך
גם אחרי הדברים הקשים העוברים עליך
אני עומד
Agriculture Minister, Ori Ariel, who appears in this video, told reporters, “I came to Dvir’s hospital room expecting to give him chizuk, and in the end he was the one who gave me chizuk.”
May this family with such remarkable rock-solid faith and trust in Hashem be comforted and know no more suffering!

One comment

  1. One of my favorite songs !!

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