The Exciting Course I’m Starting Next Week: Rebbetzin Tukachinsky’s Sod Ha’adam

Last winter, one of my kids was going through a serious crisis. A friend told me about a simple tool she had learned from Rebbetzin Tukachinsky’s course, Sod Ha’adam. And thank God, after a few weeks, that daughter was doing great. And then I moved on to another child who was having a hard time, and so on and so forth, week by week, child by child, crisis by crisis. Until today. And every time, it’s worked wonders.
Then I listened to Rebbetzin Tukachinsky’s free Elul class. And I loved it! I loved the gripping stories she told to convey profound concepts. I loved the exercises she had us do, to understand ourselves and our loved ones better. So I signed up for her year course, starting next week! I hope you will join me! You can learn more and register at
Here’s the personal story of a past Sod Ha’Adam participant:

What was the simple tool your friend told you?
I was wondering the same thing
Sod Ha’adam has a strict rule against sharing the tools publicly…SORRY:)
This is related to a personal question but i’m not sure how to reach you privately.
What is the difference between this workshop and rabbi nivins chaburas?
you can reach me privately at
I’ve been in rabbi nivin’s chabura for 10 years, and couldn’t recommend it more highly. I haven’t taken sod haadam yet, so I don’t know yet what the difference is…My sense is that rabbi nivin’s focus (at least at the beginning levels) is practical modules that provide practical tools to “live a life of vitality, transcendence, and powerful joy.” And sod haadam’s focus is more on hashkafa, upgrading the way we view ourselves, others and Hashem.
Hi I would love to take the course but it is so expensive. What do kollel people/people with limited funds do when they want to take such a course but don’t have that amount of money to spend?
try and contact them, they said they have a limited number of discounts
I’m wondering how this is going?
It looks amazing…
yes, it’s amazing!