In the Dead of Winter: Spring!

In the Dead of Winter: Spring!

It’s freezing cold and pouring rain today. Tu B’Shvat is still 3 weeks away and spring’s warm caress feels as far away as the moon.
But look at the photos my husband just sent me, almond blossoms in the Jerusalem hills!

These photos reminded me of something I just learned, that the organ associated with Tevet is the liver. And the liver is the only organ in the human body that can regenerate itself. That means a person could, in fact, lose 75% of his liver, and it could still grow back!
And that is Tevet. In the dead of winter, I might feel gray, cold, stuck. But I’m not. This is a month of rebirth. No matter how frozen I might feel, at least one almond tree (and my soul, deep down) know spring is on the way.

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