Another Mazal Tov for the Impossible Shidduch: 5 Girls and Now a Boy!

Another Mazal Tov for the Impossible Shidduch: 5 Girls and Now a Boy!

This morning I attended a very special bris, for an 8-day-old boy named Shalem Yedidya Chedvat.
Every bris is special, but what added the “very” to the special of this morning’s event?
First, Shalem Yedidya is the new baby brother of my daughter’s best friend, Tamar (which means we Weisbergs have been eagerly anticipating and discussing this birth, and then baby-boy names, for several weeks now).
Second, this is the first baby boy born after the 5 amazing Chedvat daughters. Wow!
Third, the happy parents, Noa and Chai, married when they were almost 30. Which means that it brings me and many others extra joy to see them today, happy parents of a growing family, b”H!

Fourth (and this is a biggie) Noa and Chai’s beautiful family could easily have never existed. The matchmaker from who suggested the match between Noa and Chai 11 years ago was met with looks of disbelief from all the other shadchaniot who’d met the couple. Noa and Chai were considered a mismatch, an impossible shidduch.
Noa was a cosmopolitan, globe-trotting architect who had trained at the Technion as well as the University of Rome.
Chai, from a salt-of-the-earth Beersheva family, had been learning Torah full-time since the age of 18.
A week after their wedding, journalist (and Noa’s close friend) Emily Amrusi put it this way in an article she wrote about them, “When he wants to treat himself, Chai steps out of the yeshiva for a few minutes to buy a felafel. Noa, on the other hand, orders a ticket to a show in New York.”
Emily Amrusi continued, “Every wedding is the joining together of distant worlds, but in this synthesis–of two people so seemingly opposite–we feel how God Himself picked out these two souls with a tweezer in order to join them together in marriage.”
And b”H, this morning, yet another special (make that VERY special) simcha for the impossible shidduch, Noa and Chai. May Hashem continue to shower them with an abundance of nachas, good news, and blessings until 120!


  1. Mazel tov! Wow! And some of them look very close in age. Lots of bracha and nachas!!

  2. Beautiful! A Match made in Heaven 🙂

    The URL for does not seem to be correct. Does anyone know if there is a URL for this shidduchim organization–and if so, what is it?

    Thank you for writing this post!

  3. Incredible!

  4. I also had my first boy after 5 girls! He’s 8 months now! That’s amazing! Mazal tov!

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