This Yom HaAtsmaut, Lori Palatnik Pays Tribute to Moms’ Crucial Role During Pandemic

This Yom HaAtsmaut, Lori Palatnik Pays Tribute to Moms’ Crucial Role During Pandemic

Last night, like every year, we Weisbergs sat around watching the annual official torch-lighting ceremony that kicks off Israel’s Independence Day. Every year, 12 people who made a remarkable contribution to Israel and the Jewish world are chosen to light torches. We Weisbergs don’t discriminate, we cheer for all 12. But we cheered extra loud for a personal hero of mine, Lori Palatnik, founder of Momentum, a Birthright-style program that has brought over 20,000 mothers to Israel, dramatically strengthening their connection with Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel. Go, Lori, go!

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