The Baal Teshuva’s Side of the Story (We Shall Meet Again Daily Episode 6)

The Baal Teshuva’s Side of the Story (We Shall Meet Again Daily Episode 6)

Yael and her husband visit Shosh’s son, Omer, in hopes of bringing about a reconciliation between them. But they find out that Omer is still feeling very hurt and resentful


  1. Thank you SO much for sharing this AMAZING show with us! We are getting to watch a miracle unfold here. May this vital program be blessed to continue to shine great light in our world!

  2. Rivka Levi

    This brings up one of the hardest things about motherhood: having to let go of your children to allow them to make their own independent life choices. It’s such a transition to make from being the one to set the standards to being the one who must sit back and accept them even when we don’t agree with their choices. In the end, everyone just wants loving connection above differences.

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