What My Daughter learned about 9 b’Av at her Summer Job

What My Daughter learned about 9 b’Av at her Summer Job


  1. Hi,

    Show me one Israeli that did not hear of the 9 days and I will give you $10 for each.

    Schools are teaching it, and they are closed on Tisha Bav.

    There are many videos in Hebrew and TV shows about this time of year geared towards non-religious kids.

    The entire vision of modern day Israel and the national anthem is about the destruction and rebuilding of Israel they all know our history.

    • JewishMom

      I might be wrong, my daughter said secular israelis aren’t familiar with the 9 days–though they all are familiar with tisha b’av.

  2. I’m sorry to say, my daughter works in the Tel Aviv area with many Jews who are entirely unaware of 9 B’av and they had a hard time understanding why she wasn’t working that day.

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