Mom’s 10 Commandments

Mom’s 10 Commandments

Last night, at the Zoom memorial service marking the 30th day since Mom’s burial, Mom’s family members and best friends shared what we thought Mom’s top life advice would have been. I’ve mushed together what everybody said into Mom’s 10 commandments (or at least Mom’s 10 heartfelt suggestions:)

1. You never get anywhere without hard work.
2. Recognize how lucky you are and give back to help those in need.
3. When life is hard, just keep going and keep smiling. Everything will be OK, and you’ll see in the end how everything was for the best.
4. Put family first. Love and accept your children as they are.
5. Enjoy your life. Don’t forget, today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present!
6. Don’t give up on your dreams and stick up for what you believe, no matter what people say.
8. Don’t take things too seriously, especially the small stuff.
9. Some people say, “Fix the world,” I say “I don’t know if I can fix the world, but at least I can pick up trash from the sidewalk.”
10. Sometimes things seem so terrible, you think the world’s going to end. But then you wake up the next morning, and the world’s still here. Never lose hope!


  1. Wonderful!
    No. 9 is especially brilliant

  2. Special. Wisdom from the elders.
    Must have been a special lady!
    Happy Chanukah!

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