My Daughter’s Painting of a Pregnant Woman
21 years ago this week, I was anxiously awaiting the birth of my 2nd daughter, Hallel. I’d spent her entire pregnancy feverishly conducting interviews and writing my 1st book Expecting Miracles: Finding Meaning and Spirituality in Pregnancy Through Judaism. And today, 21-year-old Hallel sent me this, her exquisite painting of a pregnant woman. Seeing this made me feel like my daughter, who was born of pregnancy on so many levels, and me, her far-past-that-stage mother, have switched places, come full circle.
Wow! I love how she made it of the letters of IMA. It’s a beautiful, evocative piece. I hope she continues painting!
Much nachat!
Stunning!! That is so beautiful. Very talented.
I love it Hallel. May you at the right time bzH be the woman in this painting!
Wow. I love it!! Truly stunning on every level…May she continue to inspire others with her art. Mazal tov to you and her on this milestone of 21 beautiful years
Your daughter has expressed through her art the deep Kabbalistic concept concerning the gift which The Creator has given to mankind; a small bit of the power of Divine Unlimitedness (כח האין סוף).
May she continue to utilise her talents to bring together Heaven and Earth.
amen! I’ll tell her, she’ll like that:)
There´s the cover for some next book!