Ochila performed by Yonina

Shavua tov! I love Yonina and this is my favorite High Holidays song. But i especially love that they sang it with their child sleeping in the back seat: captures perfectly the Elul and August challenge we are all facing this year. And it looks like they are meeting that challenge beautifully!!
By the way, the reason this is my favorite song is because of its words, which I think are the perfect prayer for a Jewish blogger:
“The thoughts in man’s heart are his to arrange,
but the tongue’s eloquence comes from the Lord.
O LORD, open my lips,
so that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
This means: I can think my thoughts but it’s only with Hashem’s help that I can express those thoughts and touch the hearts of others.
They look exhausted, such a perfect clip of parents of little kids.
I love the way they harmonize together!
This is gorgeous! So tempted to share it with my family (we love singing this song together on Yom Tov). I’ll have to save it for my girls. 🙂