Chanukah: The Real Story by Yoni of Yonina

Chanukah: The Real Story by Yoni of Yonina

Watching this video I realized I know next to nothing about the historical Chanukah story!
In addition to learning a lot I found out something that made me (and my 7-year-old Yonatan) really happy!
When Yonatan’s bris fell out on the 1st day of Chanukah, we decided to name him Yonatan because we loved the name and hey (I thought) didn’t Mattityahu have a son named Yonatan HaMaccabi, or something like that?
But until I watched this video I hadn’t realized what a HUGE hero Yonatan was, serving as High Priest and leading the uprising against Greece for 18 years after his more famous older brother, Yehuda, was killed in battle. He even managed to recapture Jerusalem.
I told all this to my own Yonatan and he was SO proud!


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