My Son’s Teacher Got Stabbed in the Back, Literally

My Son’s Teacher Got Stabbed in the Back, Literally

Last week my son’s teacher, Moriah Cohen, was stabbed by her 15-year-old Palestinian neighbor while taking her kids to gan. Thoughts on the mesirut nefesh of Moriah Cohen (who b”H is doing well) as well as the mesirut nefesh of regular Jewish Moms like you and me.


  1. Can you give any details about the clinical trials – are they still open if someone is interested in joining?


    • my kids were actually the final participants after 5 years of clinical trials. But if this treatment turns out to be effective and gets approval and becomes available I will be telling you about it!

  2. I didn’t catch what her mesiras nefesh was until the end where you clarified that she lived in East Jerusalem. Glad that she recovered. Please let us know if this treatment goes public. Will your son need to continue with a treatment on a repeating schedule of some kind in order to maintain the improvement?

  3. Thank u for sharing ur out of comfort zone story. It’s very inspiring. In chasidus there is always focus on mesurut nefesh, but no one talks about balance and mesirut nefesh. Sometimes stretching urself for yrs without any rest can break a person to the point of nervous breakdown. Stretching urself 5-10% out of comfort zone sounds much more reasonable to me and healthy too.
    Thank u so much a for sharing Rabbi Nivin’s advice!

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