The Spiritual Secrets of Formula 409 Cleaning Spray by Reb. Shira Smiles

The Spiritual Secrets of Formula 409 Cleaning Spray by Reb. Shira Smiles
Reflecting on the 2 spiritual highlights of her year, Reb. Smiles mentions the Chofetz Chaim and discovering 409 Cleaning Spray at an Israeli supermarket.
Reb. Smiles’ powerful message is giving me chizuk RIGHT NOW! You failed once? Twice? 408 times? Don’t give up!
Shabbat Shalom!:)



  1. wow who does she bring as the source for part of our soul being up in shamayim still until we daven for H-shem to give us more soul?
    Blows my mind!!
    Thank you

  2. It sounded like she said it’s brought down in Rav Kirzner’s book The Art of Jewish Prayer in his commentary on “Modim.” Truly a mind blowing idea. Thank you, Chana Jenny, for sharing these inspiring concepts!

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