Bone Tired

We hosted 3 groups this past Shabbat totalling 50 people. I met so many lovely people and I truly enjoyed every minute of it. Except for one thing.
I couldn’t find any cleaning help except for a 13-year-old boy who was super motivated. But that didn’t change the fact that he was still a 13-year- old boy.
Which meant I was up until 1:30 AM Friday night rewashing dishes.
And I’d been up til 2:30 AM Thursday night cooking.
By Shabbat afternoon, on the 10 minute walk home from visiting a friend, I seriously considered finding a patch of grass to lie down for a nap.
I’d heard the expression bone tired before, of course. But this Shabbat and still today I think I finally GET what that is. Exhaustion so deep my bones are tired.
So today I woke up, and remembered that I’m making a bar mitzvah for my youngest daughter next week. I have a hall reserved and a photographer and a guy to make those cute magnets for my daughters classmates to put on their fridges. But, as of this morning, nothing else
So I wanted to tell you what I did next, in case you ever find yourself, as I did, with a to-do list far bigger than your current reserves of energy or time.
I looked at my to-do list with around 50 things I’ve been pushing off to do until after this past big Shabbat.
And I made a separate list of what MUST be done today.
And I pushed myself to get those things done.
And then I closed my to-do list and allowed my bone-tired self to go to sleep.