The Victim from Today’s Jerusalem Bombing: 16-Year-Old Aryeh Schupak HY”D

The Victim from Today’s Jerusalem Bombing: 16-Year-Old Aryeh Schupak HY”D
Like every morning, this morning my daughter, Maayan, got dressed up in her IDF uniform and left our house early to travel to her base in Tel Aviv. But shortly after she started her bus ride, she heard a loud explosion. A Palestinian terrorist had set off an explosive at her bus’s next stop. B”H, Maayan was unscathed, at least physically.
But 26 injured people were rushed to local hospitals, including 16-year-old yeshiva student Aryeh Schupak who had been waiting with a fellow student for his yeshiva’s school bus. Aryeh HY”D, of Har Nof, tragically did not survive his wounds. Another student from the same yeshiva is hospitalized in serious condition. Please pray for Elchanan ben Livnat as well as 50-year-old Rav Chaim Nachum ben Faige Rivka who is currently in critical condition.
May Hashem bless the injured with a speedy and complete recovery.
May Hashem comfort Aryeh’ Schupak’s grieving family.
And may Hashem bless all of Am Yisrael and the whole world with security and peace.

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