A Year After a Devastating Stillbirth–Chen Embraces a Baby Boy (Arutz 7)

One year after having a stillbirth in her eighth month of her pregnancy, Chen Chadad gave birth this week to a healthy baby boy. Chen made a special request to give birth with the same staff that had been with her a year ago.
“It was clear to me that those people who were with me in my most painful moment, should be by my side in my happiest one as well.”
And so, this week, when Chen gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at the Ashdod’s Asuta hospital, the people by her side were midwives Tal Ben Valid and Linoy Cohen Gvura as well as Drs. Yossi Tuvevin and Noa Glik. The exact people who had stood by her side one year prior.
Chen explains: “Bringing a life into this world is the most meaningful and beautiful moment for every woman that chooses to give birth. But when the pregnancy and birth doesn’t go according to plan, it can be as difficult as it is beautiful. A stillbirth, especially in the later months of pregnancy, is a tragedy for the woman and her family. The presence of a warm, caring and humane medical staff is so important in those critical moments.
“I thank them and I thank Hashem.”
Translated by Albina Ginzburg