An Act of Kindness in Beersheva

An Act of Kindness in Beersheva

Today my 18-year-old daughter Moriya travelled to Beersheva for her weekly drama class. And after the class Moriya went to donate blood. And after that Moriya realized that she hadn’t eaten since the morning. And she was super hungry and was starting to feel dizzy.

So Moriya entered the nearest supermarket to buy something to eat, but when she reached the cashier she realized that her wallet was completely empty. She asked the cashier if she could pay with my credit card number, but the cashier apologetically refused, “We used to do that, but somebody once used a stolen credit-card number, so our owner doesn’t let customers make payments without the actual credit card.”
And then Moriya told her that she hadn’t eaten all day, and she had donated blood, and she was feeling very weak.
And before she knew it the concerned cashier was guiding her by the arm to the staff room, where she made Moriya a sandwich (“Metuka, would you like chocolate spread or hummus?” “Humus please.”) Another worker brought Moriya a large cup of water from the sink and a chocolate bar from his locker.
Revived, Moriya headed back home to Jerusalem, where she shared this story with me.
And I was reminded of the blessing of living in a country which is also family.

One comment

  1. Wow! Brought tears to my eyes.
    Mi kamcha yisrael!

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