9 Months After Building Mikveh, Baby Born after 21-Year Wait

9 Months After Building Mikveh, Baby Born after 21-Year Wait

This is so beautiful. My favorite thing about this video is how the entire community came together to help their childless neighbors, and then how the entire community had a big celebration with dancing and music in the streets when they brought home their baby girl. “All who mourn [the destruction of] Jerusalem will merit to see it in its joy.” Clip made by https://www.taharat.com/



  1. So beautiful, thank you for sharing!

  2. I had the same reaction as you. It was something the whole community was part of. So many childless couples feel disconnected, even shunned, not being able to be part of a community properly. This community showed how to try and bridge that gap. So inspiring! Having children is a miracle, always, whether after 9 months or 21 years of waiting!

  3. Baruch Hashem – Mazal tov…we were there…we also waited for 21 years…it would be good to make a video with couples who waited so long and hear the different angles…about how they felt and learned during the process…maybe just a video only the women/mothers who waited so long…the thing i missed in this video is the mother…

    Mazal tov mazal tov
    every child is a miracle…we are all a miracle…these souls who came after a long wait are reminding us that and much more

    thank you Chana for making a point not to take anything for granted

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