The Kallah’s Incredible Story
Today I attended the wedding of the oldest son of a dear friend.
I didn’t know the bride or her family. But when I saw on the invitation that the bride’s mother had an English first name, I had this weird feeling that I was connected with her somehow.
And, sure enough, at the wedding, the mother of the bride came up to me with a big smile, “Chana Jenny, you don’t know me, but I know you! I used to watch all your videos!”
I ended up chatting with an old friend who was an old friend of the mother of the bride, and she told me the incredible story behind this kallah’s birth:
“I met the kallah’s mother because she was married for many years without children and so was I, so we started a support group together for women in our situation. I didn’t have children for 6 years, and we ended up having 6 children. The kallah’s mother didn’t have children for 8 years, and then they adopted two older children whom they raised. After they adopted those children, something incredible happened. They ended up having 3 biological children of their own. They got older, and thought they were done having children. And then, 9 years later, out of the blue, the kallah was born. Their miracle baby.”
It was a very happy wedding, the couple and their families seemed exceptionally well matched. But I could have come to the wedding and never known the incredible story behind it. A reminder that often the story behind the story is even more miraculous than the story itself:)