

The word Baruch comes from the same root as the word “Brecha,” a spring of water.
So when we say “Baruch atah Hashem” we are actually saying, “Hashem, Your blessing overflows,” like a bubbling-over spring.
And that water, that blessing, Hashem’s infinite gifts to us and the world, fall upon us every day, every moment, like a waterfall.
And every single day we have a choice. To receive the blessings and close our hands and hearts and say, “The buck stops here.”
Or to be like this Kiddush fountain, recognizing Hashem’s blessings, being grateful for them, and paying them forward (no matter how many other blessings we are still yearning and waiting for) to those around us, and then from those around us, to those around those around us.
Like the infinite ripples in a pond emanating from a single thrown stone.

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