Why this Elderly Man Visits Injured Soldiers Every Single Day by Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Why this Elderly Man Visits Injured Soldiers Every Single Day by Rabbi Paysach Krohn

I have a dear friend who’s a rabbi in Boca, and he brought 25 members of his shul to Israel for three days. They went to the war front. They went to the houses of people who were displaced. And then they went to Tel HaShomer Hospital, the biggest hospital in Israel.

Tel HaShomer has an entire floor, Rachmana litslan, for amputees, people who’ve lost a hand, a leg, or worse. And the members of this shul, they went there to try to give the soldiers there chizuk. What do you say to a 22-year-old guy who now has only one leg on one hand?
And listen to this, you could cry.
The shul members were walking around and they saw an old man, a man in his 70s, who was an amputee. But he wasn’t a soldier. He was dressed in a regular suit and was sitting by one of the soldier’s beds.
And they were wondering, what is he doing here? He’s not from the army. So they went over to him and one of the people from Boca asked, “Sir, we just want to ask you, what are you doing here?”
Listen to what he said. He said, “50 years ago, in the Yom Kippur War, I was a soldier. And I lost a leg when I was around the same age as them. So I come here every day to tell the soldiers that their lives are not over. I was able to get a job. I was able to get married. I became a father and a grandfather.”
And that’s what I come here to tell these guys, these heroes.”
That’s Ahavat Yisrael. That’s caring for each other. That’s how we should live. Am Yisrael Chai.

[Story heard on]http://www.storiestoinspire.org

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