Do you drag yourself from one job to the next.

Do you drag yourself from one job to the next.

Morning rush, work, afternoon rush, dinner rush…
Collapse into bed. Repeat.
Do you see your friend who always has energy?
Always jumping to the next project?
Always motivated and excited to just live her life?
How does she do it?
What’s her secret?
And more important – How can you be like that?
R’ Aryeh Nivin’s Chabura’s Introduces: *Vitality: The Life Purpose Training* Program
In this 16-class series, you’ll learn to help yourself and others: Jump out of bed in the morning –
Motivated to live your life purpose.
Burst into the new year with a clear direction and practical plan.
Confidently take each moment as it comes, even when there are balls flying from every direction.
Sign up now and get 4 gifts!
Phone/Text/WhatsApp: Mrs. Robin Meyerson at 1-602-469-1606 (US)

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