When I Don’t Want to Get out of Bed, I Sing This Song…

There have been a few mornings this summer I would have rather just stayed in bed rather than get out of bed and face the day ahead.
One such morning took place a few weeks ago when I was in Baltimore with my father who was hospitalized after a fall. My Dad was more than ready to be released to a rehab center, but instead of being released he was stuck lying in a hospital bed staring out the window (at a brick wall) because he was Covid+ so no rehab would accept him. At the same time, Israel was preparing for an Iranian strike in retaliation for the assassination of Haniya et al, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get back to my family in Jerusalem. AND I had a sinus infection.
And that very morning, I came across a song on a 3-weeks acapella playlist that I ended up looping over and over, and singing to myself for my entire time with my father in the US.
Here is the song that saved me, and kept me getting out of bed day after day.
This song also got me out of bed yesterday morning, when it seemed that we were on the brink of a full-blow attack from Lebanon.
I said to myself, “VaYisgaber!” and got out of bed, and (along with the rest of Am Yisrael) experienced revealed miracles, thank you Hashem.
Song/Lyrics: Ari Goldwag
מילים/Lyrics יתגבר כארי לעמוד בבקר לעבודת בוראו