Our Family (We Can’t) Getaway

We are on a family vacation for a few days before school starts on Sunday.We decided (like thousands of other Israels) to travel to the safe parts of the North, relatively far from the Lebanese and Syrian borders (this is a photo of me yesterday at the tomb of Rebbe Meir Baal HaNes in Tiberias).It […]
Read MoreTu b’Av Chizuk for Older Singles and their Mothers

[After years of praying that this will finally be the year that my oldest daughter will find her husband and get married, Tu b’Av is getting harder every year. It’s getting harder to keep davening. It’s getting harder to attend the Tu b’Av simchas of couples younger than my daughter. With that said, I want […]
Read MoreMy Naughty Yard-Sign Plan

I spent most of my time in the US staying in my childhood home where I grew up from the age of 3. My father has many Jewish neighbors, but on my daily walks around the neighborhood I detected not a single external sign of Jewishness or support of Israel. Not a single Israeli flag. […]
Read MoreThis Sandwich is Me

Tomorrow (unless my flight is canceled because of a war) I return home to Israel after almost 3 weeks in the US. I have an elderly father in the US who needs his daughter. I have a house full of kids in Israel who need their mom. I’m a member of the Sandwich Generation. But […]
Read MoreAn Update on My Dad and Me

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, my father is B”H feeling much better thanks to the incredible staff of the PCU at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore where he spent 2 weeks. This Friday my father got transferred to a rehab center a few minutes from where my brother lives near Washington, DC which […]
Read MoreMy Father’s Mysterious Nighttime Visitors

I’m in Baltimore visiting my dad, who’s in the hospital after a fall. He has a mild case of COVID and is weak but he’s overall in good shape considering what he’s been through and is in good spirits and undergoing various tests.My father, for his whole life, had genius-level intelligence. In high school he […]
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