Finding Satisfaction
This Week’s Update
- This week’s Mommy Peptalk: Finding Satisfaction the Jewish Way
- My JewishMom vacation
- For moms of special needs kids
- JewishMom Mazal Tovs!!!
Shalom Jewish Moms!
1. First of all, enjoy this week’s new mommy peptalk entitled “Finding Satisfaction the Jewish Way”- my JewishMom response to the extremely awful book “Satisfaction: The Science behind finding True Fulfillment.”
2. A neighbor asked me last week what projects I’m working on nowadays.
“Are you working on a new book?”
“Are you making any new videos about amazing Jewish moms?”
“Publishing any new articles?”
She wasn’t sure what to say. It was a bit awkward. For whatever reason, I didn’t want to tell her my new secret, but I will share it with you- my dear mailing list member. The truth is that I have decided to take my first ever “vacation.” I am planning to keep up with my mommy peptalks and these weekly inspirational updates and newsletters, but mostly I am planning on devoting the next while to reading and pondering new ideas that I really hope will ultimately enrich and add new important insights to my future projects when I return to regular JewishMom activity.
I have enjoyed my first month of JewishMom vacation immensely, and I hope that you moms ultimately will get a lot out of it as well!
A bunch of readers asked about the books that I recommended in last week’s peptalk. The first is Battle Plans by Sara Rigler and Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller (my favorite book), and the second is Women’s Moods by Dr. Deborah Sichel and Jeanne Watson Driscoll.
3. Mothers on this list with special needs children might be interested in this new Baltimore-based initiative to create an online database for Jewish parents of special needs kids. Click on this link to learn more and see how you can help:
4. Finally, a huge mazal tov to Real Jewish Moms video stars Rachel Oppenheim and Ilana Solomon. In their videos, these moms describe their struggle to carry babies to term, and this month both gave birth to healthy babies! Thank you, G-d!!!!
Mazal tov to Rachel on the birth of her eighth child, Margalit Odelia (see her movie here
Mazal tov to Ilana on the birth of her third child, Yisrael David! See her movie here:
With blessings, Chana Jenny Weisberg,