My Favorite Teacher, Favorite Musician + Real Jewish Mom Movie Star LIVE- this Saturday Night!

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If you don’t live in Israel yet, this is the time to pack your bags and come!

Appearing together this Saturday night in Nachlaot:

-My all-time favorite teacher, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, in ENGLISH

-My all-time favorite musician,  Efrat Razel

-Real Jewish Moms Movie star Ricka Van Leeuwen (see video below)

All that’s missing is Moshiach…

Hope to see you there! Details below…

The Nshei of Kehilas Torah v’Chesed

invites you to an
Evening of Torah and Music
for Women
Located in Kehilas Torah Ve’Chessed
22 Ezra Refael St., Nachlaot. (directions below)

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
followed by
Efrat Razel and
Ricka Van Leeuwen (Razel)

Suggested Donation: 25 NIS

Refreshments will be served

8:00 pm
This Motzei Shabbos – Parshas Noach
(October 24)

(this video features Real Jewish Mom Ricka Van Leeuwen and that’s her sister-in-law Efrat Razel singing in the background)

How to get there by car: Take Rechov Shomron (coming from Agripas) to the end.  Take a right onto Rechov Hatavor and take Hatavor to the end. Take another right onto Rechov Ezra Refael.  Kehilas Torah Ve’Chessed shul is located at 22 Ezra Refael in the “Beit Shmuel” building with blue doors.

Or, by foot: Near the English Cake on Agrippas, across from the Shuk, is the entrance to Ezra Raphael Street.  Kehilas Torah Ve’Chessed shul is located at 22 Ezra Refael in the “Beit Shmuel” building with blue doors.

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