Rivka bat Yael Update: The New Seesaw
Yesterday my 5-year-old, Moriah, pointed out that Rivki still hasn’t seen the new wooden seesaw at the Rachel v’Leah Nursery School.
“She also hasn’t seen the new aquarium with the goldfish,” I pointed out. Moriah pondered my point, and corrected me. “No, Rivki saw the aquarium. But when she comes back to nursery school, I will ride with her on the new seesaw together!”
Moriah rocked back and forth to show me how she will bounce up and down with Rivki on the seesaw, and laughed when she thought about how she will play with Rivki, just like she used to.
Please G-d, I hope so too. I am praying for a miracle, so that on September 1st, Rivki will again be among Moriah’s kindergarten classmates at Rachel v’Leah Nursery School. Just imagine how happy all of us will be to have Rivki back!
It’s been 5 weeks now since Rivka bat Yael Razel’s accident, and Rivki is still hospitalized in serious but stable condition. Thank G-d, today Rivki was moved from Hadassah Hospital’s ICU to the Alin Hospital, which specializes in the rehabilitation of sick and injured children. Being moved there is a good sign; it means Rivki is taking her first step towards recovery, G-d willing. Also, last week Rivki started opening up her eyes, but rarely focuses on anything or anyone. She also started moving her hands, and lifting them above her head. In summary, her recovery is moving very slowly, but is headed, G-d willing, in the right direction.
Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to write letters of encouragement and blessings to Rivki’s parents, Yael and Yonatan Razel. In the end, I received over 50 letters from people as far away as Argentina, England, Australia, France, and all over the US and Israel, and I bound them into a book which my daughters illustrated. The morning before Shavuot I walked over with all of my kids to give the book to Saba Micha and Savta Carol so they could give it to Rivki’s parents before the holiday. After we left, Saba Micha came running after us down the street. “Excuse me, but where did you get all these letters from? How did they come to you?” he asked in disbelief. When I explained to him, he shook his head in stunned amazement.
Yesterday I saw Saba Micha again and he told me that Yael and Yonatan had really appreciated and were very moved by the letters. He even asked if I could please print up two more copies of the book for the grandparents as well!
In short, good job Jewish moms! You successfully brought a ray of light into quite a dark situation.
Please continue praying for a complete and miraculous recovery for Rivka bat Yael!
Photo courtesy of Flickr.com user Dorin Nicolaescu-MusteaČ›
Shalom miBuenos Aires, Argentina:
Kama simja nijnas belibi keshe karati jadashot tovot tovot shel Rivki, Beezrat HaShem, beezman karov, shomeim she hi kama mimita shel Beit Jolim veod paam babaita ubeGan.
Drishot Shalom rabot lebat shelja Moriah, metuka vetzadeket (kama anajnu tzrijim lilmod shel jaim shela!!).
Bebakasha, sheila: mi shel temunah? Moriah o Rivki? Slija!!
Berajot veShavua Tov miBuenos Aires!!! Vetoda raba lekol!!
Thank you for keeping us posted. What a wonderful way to share the good wishes with the Razel family. please be sure to keep us updated. Once she is on the right path, children heal quickly G-d willing. It is special that you are a conduit for the blessings and good wishes. May we all only know joy and happiness.